

Company News

Our company's 2012 annual dinner party was grandly held

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2013-02-06 19:58:00  點(diǎn)擊量:333

The passage of time has taken us through the four seasons of the year, the ups and downs are the footprints we have left behind! The development of Side New Materials is inseparable from the efforts of every employee! In order to thank the company's employees for their hard work over the past year, our company held the 2012 Final Dinner on February 1, 2013 in the Hantang International Multi-Function Hall.

The dinner not only has delicious food and wine, but also awards for outstanding employees, team talent competition, lottery, and funny little games... Everyone toasts and drinks, sends blessings to each other, thank all those who have entered our lives, and thanks to Side for letting us Have the opportunity to meet and get to know each other! Together in joy, we wish our Side will be better next year!

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